How to register for a KTMP "Make-Up" Class

Keeping Track recommends that each KTMP tracker do his/her best to attend classes with your own team.  However, if missing a class is necessary, the tracker will need to schedule a make-up class with another KTMP team.  Please consult our Event Calendar at our website for a listing of other KTMP class dates.  Our Keeping Track office should be contacted at (802)434-7000, or, and informed of any date chosen for a make-up.  This is important because we will need a record of all people attending any given class in case we have to postpone the class the night before.  Also, you should let the coordinator of your team know that you will be doing a make-up class, and you should also get in touch with the coordinator of the team you will be doing your make-up class with.  This helps with logistics and carpooling since you will know more about your specific needs than we will.  This works both ways, in that a member of your group may choose to make up a class with another group, and thus will be put in touch with that coordinator to work out the logistics from their ends. There is no additional fee for trackers who have already paid for a full KTMP course.