Explore Nature with Susan Morse at the Fairfax Community Library

The Fairfax Community Library, 75 Hunt Street, Fairfax, VT 05454

Join Keeping Track’s Susan Morse for a program hosted by the Fairfax Community Library.  Meet at the library at 12:45 p.m. for a hike in the woods by the library from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.  A little later, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., enjoy a Power Point presentation by Susan Morse in the BFA-Fairfax Multi-Purpose room called “Bobcats, Bears, Moose and More!”  This show will be fun and fact-filled, illustrated with Susan’s stunning original photography.  Bring the children!  There will be lots of opportunities for them to hear animal calls and maybe make a few themselves.  Plan to learn about our wild neighbors including whitetail deer, moose, bobcat, Canada lynx, black bear, river otter, mink, fisher and the foxes.  Other animals of interest to all of us include wolf, coyote and cougar, otherwise known as the catamount.

Both events are free and open to the public, and the whole family is invited.  Be sure to dress appropriately for a winter walk. Guidelines can be obtained by contacting the Fairfax Library at (802)849-2420 or libraryprograms@fwsu.org.
The Fairfax Library will provide updates if the schedule for this event needs to be changed due to weather, and schedule changes will also be posted on Keeping Track’s Event Calendar at www.keepingtrack.org.  Updates will also be provided to notify you of any other sponsors for this program.